Wtw people,


Next we have loneliness. There is a loneliness epidemic going on right now and our generation is suffering the most from it.

I’m not going to flood this read with number and statistics lol. Just take my word for it or look it up on google. But the past year, I’ve been hearing and reading a good amount about it. Social Media, Covid, and a change in societal norms has affected this generation in ways that are not that obvious.

Third thing is miserable people. My uncle used to tell me this phrase all the time and it’s probably a common saying in Black households in general. But he use to always tell me that “misery loves company”. What I mean by that is there are miserable people who are doing nothing with their lives, who don’t know how to have fun, boring, not exciting to be around, and just sit in they a** and complain about everything. Worst part about all of that is only “them” being miserable is not enough, they have to influence others to follow their lead and join them in the misery.

So there have been some of them GCEG has ran across so far since starting all of this and it’s been pretty intriguing to see. In fact we love to see because it reinforces one of the reasons why GCEG was created in the first place. It kinda gives us more of a reason to do good things around here. But hey if you’re one of those people reading this keep doing what you’re doing. We love the exposure. If it makes it easier to do your job, we’ll be happy to create some flyers for you that you can share and complain about. Make sure you tag us tho!!


Thanks for read’n

-Signed by G


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