Wtw people,


So today is the first day of spring semester and even tho it's negative 4 degrees and ice outside, thanks Mizzou, I want to say good luck to everyone and I hope this semester treats all of you well academically, mentally, physically, spiritually, and in all other aspects.

I'm excited to see what the semester hold socially and academically. As GCEG and a Mizzou alum, I am optimistic of the future and hope you all are too.

Class of '27 make the second half of your first year count, set the tone for the rest of your college experience. Sophomores I hope your majors don't start to get too hard on you if it does you'll be ready for it. Juniors your more than half way done, it's only up from here. Seniors the finish line is right in front of you, time to finish strong. 5th years and beyond, keep going because next thing you know time will pass, you'll look up and find yourself standing in line to get your name called.

Non students be sure to follow your dreams, run towards your goals (with and without fear), and create the life you want.

Don't want to make this long but that's all I wanted to say. Good luck y'all got this!


Thanks for read'n

-Signed by G

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